HP Array Configuration Utility CLI for Linux environments


  The Array Configuration Utility CLI is a commandline-based disk 
   configuration program for Smart Array Controllers and 
   RAID Array Controllers.
* All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their 
  respective companies.


Supported Operating Systems

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5, 6 (32-bit)
  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (x86_64) with the "Compatibility Package" installed to include the 32-bit libraries.
  SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, 11
  Debian Sarge 32 bit
  Debian Sarge 64 bit
  Debian Etch (i386)  
  Debian Etch (amd64)
  VMware ESXi50 (x86/x86_64)
  Drivers/libraries:  (available from http://www.hp.com)
  * All platforms need to have the following drivers upgrades:      
    - CISS driver version 2.6.18 or later (cpq_cciss_xxxx-2.6.18.i386.rpm, 
      xxxx stands for the Linux distribution)
    - For supporting MSA products connected via fibre channel HBAs produced by 
      Emulex and QLogic and OEM'edd for HP ProLiant, the appropriate driver kit
      is required:
      - Linux Driver Kit for Emulex FC HBAs and mezzaninie HBAs (hp_lpfc)
      - Linux Driver Kit for Qlogic FC HBAs and mezzaninie HBAs (hp_qla2x00)  

Supported Controllers

  Smart Array products:
     Smart Array 5312 Controller
     Smart Array 5302 Controller
     Smart Array 5304 Controller
     Smart Array 532 Controller
     Smart Array 5i Controller  
     Smart Array 641 Controller
     Smart Array 642 Controller
     Smart Array 6400 Controller
     Smart Array 6400 EM Controller
     Smart Array 6i Controller
     Smart Array P600 Controller
     Smart Array P400 Controller
     Smart Array P400i Controller
     Smart Array E200 Controller
     Smart Array E200i Controller
     Smart Array P800 Controller
     Smart Array E500 Controller
     Smart Array P700m Controller
     Smart Array P410i Controller
     Smart Array P411 Controller
     Smart Array P212 Controller
     Smart Array P712m Controller
     Smart Array B110i SATA RAID
     Smart Array P812 Controller
     Smart Array P220i Controller
     Smart Array P222 Controller
     Smart Array P420 Controller
     Smart Array P420i Controller
     Smart Array P421 Controller

  MSA products:
     MSA500 Controller
     MSA500 G2 Controller
     MSA1000 Controller     
     MSA1500 CS Controller
     MSA20 Controller  

Installing & Running the Array Configuration Utility CLI

    ACU CLI is distributed using Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) packages and .deb 
    packages for Debian. 
    If there is an older version of ACU CLI installed on the system, 
	please use "rpm -e hpacucli" to remove it first. Use "rpm -i <file name>" 
	to install the application.
    Please type "man rpm" for other details regarding RPM.
    NOTE: On Debian systems, a ".deb" package file can be installed using the
    "dpkg -i hpacucli.xxx.deb" command.  The dpkg -r hpacucli command
    is used to remove the package.
    The software resides in /opt/compaq/hpacucli and the executable 
    name is hpacucli which is located in /usr/sbin.

    When attempting to run ACUCLI on any HP-supported version of Linux, it is highly 
    recommended that you install the latest version of the HP ProLiant Smart Array
    Controller driver for your intended Linux operating system.  Drivers may be obtained 
    by clicking on “Support & Drivers” from HP’s website at:  http://www.hp.com

  For Debian 64 bit:
     dpkg -i --force-architecture <file name>. hpacucli requires the
     libunwind bit package to be installed.

  Run the ACU CLI:
    Make sure that you have gone through the following checklist:
    . You run hpacucli as root.

    To start the application:
    If /usr/sbin is already added in your path, just type:
    More options can be found by "hpacucli help".  Also see the "Using ACU CLI" section
    of this document, located after Feedback.

  Exiting ACU:
    1. To exit the ACU CLI, type "exit" while at the CLI command console.

Additional Notes

  1.  After creating or deleting logical drives with ACU CLI, under some special 
      circumstances, the device name mapping might change after you first reboot
      the system. Also, Linux might see previously not visible logical drives after 
      rebooting. This name mapping problem is common to all SCSI devices on 
  2.  Do not insert or remove a controller driver module when hpacucli is running.
  3.  Please stop the HP Storage Agents when deleting logical drives
      since HP Storage Agents keeps all logical drives open.
  4.  If all physical drives on a controller fail or are removed, software keys will 
      not be saved to the controller.  
  5.  ACU CLI may appear unresponsive during heavy array controller I/O conditions, such as
      during a partition format or a logical drive rebuild.
  6.  ACU CLI will not disallow the deletion of logical drives on fibre controllers
      that have mounted partitions.
  7.  When using Linux as the host operating system, if a Smart Array controller has 16
      or more volumes configured, deleting any volume in the ACU will not update the
      /proc/partitions to reflect the deletion of the device node associated with that
      volume. Rebooting the server will cause the update to happen. Note that there is
      also a limitation that only the first 16 volumes configured will be available to
      the operating system.
  8.  On RHEL5 systems, for this version of the ACUCLI, version 3.6.18-10 or newer of the 
      HP ProLiant Smart Array Controller Driver for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (x86, x86-64)
      is required. Drivers may be obtained by clicking on “Support & Drivers” from HP’s 
      website at:  http://www.hp.com

Notes for ACU Scripting
* ACU scripting now uses a new engine to auto configure volumes. When using the AUTO mode,
  it will attempt to configure two volumes; an OS volume and a Data volume. The OS volume 
  will be RAID1, while the Data volume will be the highest possible RAID up to 6, depending
  on the number of disks and RAID modes supported by the controller. Spares may be automatically
  allocated. All user input in the input config file is ignored in AUTO mode. The actual 
  volumes created will depend on the controller, the number and size of disks and the status 
  of license keys in the controller.
* In scripting input/output, 2 disk mirrors are considered RAID1, 4 disk and higher mirrors 
  are RAID10. For compatibility, input scripts still accept RAID1 for 4+ disk mirrors, 
  however we recommend moving to the new argument terminology as soon as possible.
* ARRAY and VOLUME arguments in configure mode can be specified as "Next", which will use
  the next available ID.
* DRIVE arguments can be a number or wildcard, e.g. "*" or "2". In the first example, all
  available drives will be used, in the second two drives will be used.
* The CONTROLLER argument can be FIRST. Controllers are sorted after discovery, the order 
  being: internal before external, in ascending slot order. This ensures that the input
  CONTROLLER=FIRST will target an internal controller (SLOT=0) or the controller in the lowest 
  PCI slot.
* To improve performance, use the REPEAT keyword when creating multiple identical logical drives.

Installing & Running the Array Configuration Utility CLI - VMware ESXi50


     The ACUCLI application for ESXi5.0 can only be installed using the HP-VMware
     enablement package or locally via the standalone VIB package file. 

     - Using the HP-VMware enablement package, simply follow the instructions as

     - If a standalone vib package file has been obtained and the target system
       has Secure Shell (SSH) and console enabled, do the following:

       1) Directly or remotely access the console of the target machine running ESXi50
       2) Copy the vib package file to /var/tmp/
       3) Use: "localcli software vib install -v /var/tmp/<vibfilename>"
       4) Reboot the server if so instructed.

  Run the ACU CLI:
     As per design, in its native form VMware ESXi50 is headless and requires the use of the 
     VMware vSphere CLI tools installed on the client side to access HP-installed applications
     on a remote ESXi50 system. Obtain and install the appropriate flavor of vSphere CLI for 
     your client system and OS.

     ACUCLI should be run on ESXi50 in a fashion that is similar in nature to the command-line
     or "non-Interactive" mode along with the use of vSphere CLI's esxcli command line tool.

     Example:  (From the client system)

     esxcli --server=<server_ip_address> --user=<username> --password=<password>  hpacucli cmd -q 
            "controller all show"   

     If the user has access to the console and can SSH to the system, the app can also be run
     locally using the same syntax and can omit the server/username/password parameters.

     See documentation for VMWare ESXi50 for more information

Notes for generating and retrieving an Array Diagnostics Report (ADU) from remote ESXi50 systems

  The following steps are required in order to generate and obtain an ADU report from
  a remote machine running ESXi50.

  1. Obtain and install the HPADU component or Linux RPM for the client machine that 
     will be used to access the remote ESXi50 machine
  2. Note the location where the package has installed the included applications. Update your
     system path to include this location.
  3. Provided that the vSphere CLI esxcli command line tool is accessible from where the 
     files where your HPADU component or rpm installed them, use the following tool and
     associated command line parameters to perform the creation and retrieval of the report.

     hpaduesxi --server=<server_ip_address> --user=<username> --password=<password>  <targetfile.zip>
     The hpaduesxi application will use the supplied parameters to remotely obtain the report from
     your target ESXi50 machine and save the data into the target zipfile.

     See the hpaduesxi application for more infomation.


  For support for ACU CLI or Smart Array controllers, please visit the web at 
  For feedback or suggestions on ACU CLI, please send comments to acu@hp.com;
    however, we regret support cannot be provided through this address.